Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia

Ceija Stojka

C'est arrivé

Commissariat: Paula Aisemberg, Noëlig Le Roux et Xavier Marchand, en collaboration avec La maison rouge - Fondation Antoine de Galbert (Paris)

Austrian-romani artist Ceija Stojka (1933–2013) was a self-taught painter and narrator, and author of a late-blooming literary and pictorial body of work developed from 1986 onwards. Stojka was born into a family of traders who, after the annexation of Austria, were persecuted through the racial National Socialism laws and separated and interned in different concentration camps. In the 1980s, she began to draw on her memories, initially through oral narrations and poems, and subsequently through painting.

Stojka painted on paper and card, employing oils or acrylic materials she applied either with a brush or directly with her fingers, using vivid colours and sharp lines to give her work vibrancy. She often gathered general views of outdoors scenes and rendered accounts in the form of oral narration. Other images distill critical moments in her life and in history, with a repeated use of symbolic motifs such as birds and barbed-wire fences.

Musée Reina Sofia

Du 22 novembre 2019 au 23 mars 2020
Image for Ceija Stojka
Œuvre(s) prêtée(s)
  • Sans Titre

    Ceija Stojka (1933—2013)

    Sans Titre 1995
    Huile sur carton
    La Maison Rouge - Ceija Stojka 2018